Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Nature: Green Lake

Tragöß is a municipality in the district of Bruck an der Mur in Styria, Austria. It is home to Green Lake (Grüner See), which dries out almost completely in the fall. In the spring the lake is filled with snow melt runoff. This gives the lake crystal clear water, the existing rocks and meadow give the lake its green color.

Throughout the frozen winter months the area is almost completely dry and is used as a county park. It is a particular favorite site for hikers.

But as soon as the temperatures begin to rise in spring, the ice and snow on the mountaintops begins to melt and runs down into the basin of land below.

The park fills up with ice-cold crystal clear water, which gets its distinctive green coloring from the grass and foliage beneath.

The water levels rise from about one or two meters deep in the winter to as much as 10 meters in the late spring and early summer.

The waters are at their highest in June when it becomes a mecca for divers keen to explore the rare phenomenon, before the waters recede at the end of July.

Pause the playlist in my right margin to enjoy the music with this video of Green Lake.

via Stumble Upon, Wikipedia, YouTube and dailyuk.


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