Blast from the past earrings ~ fun!
We've all received one. The comment. The look. The e-mail message.

Coconut-Banana Blast votive candles
We are human, we make mistakes. It happens.
mistake |məˈstāk|
an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong : coming here was a mistake | she made the mistake of thinking they were important.
• something, esp. a word, figure, or fact, that is not correct; an inaccuracy : a couple of spelling mistakes.
verb ( past -took ; past part. -taken ) [ trans. ]
be wrong about : because I was inexperienced, I mistook the nature of our relationship.

Blast Off print - 8" x 10"
I got blasted today for something unintentional that happened months back. Life moves forward, but for most of us, when we get blasted it lingers for awhile. I rectified, I apologized, I repent. I. Am. Sorry.

Blast Off kids tee
Being misunderstood or mistaken is something that is tantamount to a crisis for me. Not because I'm over-sensitive or insecure, but simply because I am an honest, thoughtful person who strives to respectfully communicate with others.

Banana Blast Vegan Lip Balm
That being said, I'm moving forward.
The items showcased in this post today are shared with you from the handmade shops of Etsy! Click the images for more info, to shop, and to enjoy being creatively BLASTED!
So sorry to hear you were misunderstood. That is a frustrating experience when your intentions are the best! But what a clever post! I enjoyed it!
Julie Magers Soulen Photography
Thank you so much for featuring my coconut banana blast tea light candles! I am honored! :-)
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